Fitness First Webinar: Training More than the Body

My experience in the fitness industry has been a major part of my personal mental health plan. To be involved in educating exercise professionals on mental health issues, including eating disorders is an honour. 

In this webinar, joined by clinical psychologist, Rachel Simeone from the InsideOut  Institute for Eating Disorders, we highlight to exercise professionals how they are in a prime position of positive influence to someone who may be suffering or at risk of mental health concerns. 

Register for online e-learning developed by Brazengrowth in collaboration with the InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders.

You can view the webinar here




Latest Insights

My experience in the fitness industry has been a major part of my personal mental health plan. To be involved in educating exercise professionals on mental health issues, including eating disorders is an honour. 

In this webinar, joined by clinical psychologist, Rachel Simeone from the InsideOut  Institute for Eating Disorders, we highlight to exercise professionals how they are in a prime position of positive influence to someone who may be suffering or at risk of mental health concerns. 

Register for online e-learning developed by Brazengrowth in collaboration with the InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders.

You can view the webinar here